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In this Tutorial you’ll learn, how to create a 3D text with Photoshop’s repoussé tool. Texturizing will be done just with layer styles and a leather stock image by DomQuichotte. Furthermore, you’ll create realistic spikes and a realistic collar from scratch. One of the spikes will be used as a dual brush, so you can stroke paths later. A rough color correction will finalize this tutorial.
awesome! 😀 here is my work! thanks!
it s so amazing .i wonder if i can have a tutorial of how to a cinématographical effect
Phantastisch..! 😉
Sehr inspirierende Vorgehensweise!
Hi DomQuichotte
Great tutorials….
Thank you very much for sharing…
Thank you very much
wo0o0o0o0ow , i l0ve it <3
I like…
Thats what I need 😀
Amazing Tutorial… and great idea just Like it (y)
wow..i like it..
i like this tutorials, thank you very much.
exist the repousse tool always in ps cs6 (english version)?
This is wow!!! nothing else to say
wonderful. I like it.
Thank you very much, youve worked very hard
funny kinky tutorial! like it ;-P
this could be the “fifty shades of grey” cover : ] great work!!!!
Very nice tutorial!
Thank you for sharing. Help me a lot! I am from Brazil! greetz
man…u r the best teacher i\´ve ever seen! unbelievable!!!
I am a big fan of your videos! can\´t wait for your next tut! keep doing this stuff!!!!
Hey Dom Quichotte, danke für das großartige Video! Fasizinierend wie du ohne stock footage einfach geile effecte und sachen hinbekommst. Du weisst wie es geht! Thumbs up 🙂
Nice 😉
Yay! Exactly what I\´ve been looking for! Thx!!!